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Dwight Schrute The Eccentric Assistant Manager Of Dunder Mifflin

Dwight Schrute: The Eccentric Assistant Manager of Dunder Mifflin

Meet Dwight, the Assistant Manager

WEB Dwight Kurt Schrute III, played by Rainn Wilson, is the eccentric assistant manager of the Dunder Mifflin paper company's Scranton branch.

A Unique Personality

Dwight, born January 20, 1970, is a fictional character known for his quirky personality. He is a self-proclaimed salesman of the month, a master of martial arts, and a passionate believer in the paranormal.

His Eccentricities

WEB Dwight's quirks are endless. He took himself very seriously, loved military re-enactments, and medieval swordplay. He once brought his spud-gun to the office without raising any eyebrows.

His Military Career

WEB Eventually, Dwight joined the Army, where he pursued his passion for fencing and became a coronet player. His time in the service shaped his character, further solidifying his belief in authority and discipline.
